Tìm theo
: 30 mục trong 2 trang
Thuốc Gốc
codecarboxylase, plp, pyridoxal 5 phosphate
For nutritional supplementation and for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.
Thuốc Gốc
1alpha 3beta 5z 7e 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 19 triene 1 3 25 triol, 1s 3r 5z 7e 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 triene 1 3 25 triol, 5z 7e 1s 3r 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 19 triene 1 3 25 triol
Used to treat vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, refractory rickets (vitamin D resistant rickets), familial hypophosphatemia and hypoparathyroidism, and in the management of ...
Thuốc Gốc
1 deoxy 1 7 8 dimethyl 2 4 dioxo 3 4 dihydrobenzo g pteridin 10 2h yl pentitol, 6 7 dimethyl 9 d ribitylisoalloxazine, 7 8 dimethyl 10 d ribo 2 3 4 5 tetrahydroxypentyl benzo g pteridine 2 4 3h 10h dione
For the treatment of ariboflavinosis (vitamin B2 deficiency).
Thuốc Gốc
3beta 5z 7e 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 19 triene 3 25 diol, 3s 5z 7e 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 triene 3 25 diol, 3 5z 7e 9 10 secocholesta 5 7 10 19 triene 3 25 diol
Used to treat vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, refractory rickets (vitamin D resistant rickets), familial hypophosphatemia and hypoparathyroidism, and in the management of ...
Thuốc Gốc
3 hydroxy 5 hydroxymethyl 2 methylisonicotinaldehyde, pyridoxal, pyridoxaldehyde
Pyridoxal is one of the natural forms available of vitamin B6, therefore, it is used for nutritional supplementation and for treating dietary shortage or imbalances.
Thuốc Gốc
2 methyl 3 hydroxy 4 5 dihydroxymethylpyridine, 3 hydroxy 4 5 bis hydroxymethyl 2 methylpyridine, 3 hydroxy 4 5 dimethylol alpha picoline
For the treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency and for the prophylaxis of isoniazid-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Thuốc Gốc
1 2 dithiolane 3 pentanoic acid, 1 2 dithiolane 3 valeric acid, 5 1 2 dithiolan 3 yl valeric acid
For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.
Thuốc Gốc
2 methyl 1 4 naphthalenedione, 2 methyl 1 4 naphthochinon, 2 methyl 1 4 naphthoquinone
The primary known function of vitamin K is to assist in the normal clotting of blood, but it may also play a role in normal bone calcification.
Thuốc Gốc
carnitine, l carnitin, l carnitine
For treatment of primary systemic carnitine deficiency, a genetic impairment of normal biosynthesis or utilization of levocarnitine from dietary sources, or for the treatment of ...
Thuốc Gốc
3 carboxypyridine, 3 pyridinecarboxylic acid, 3 pyridylcarboxylic acid
For the treatment of type IV and V hyperlipidemia. It is indicated as ajunctive therapy.
Thuốc Gốc
6s 5 formyl 5 6 7 8 tetrahydrofolic acid, 6s folinic acid, 6s leucovorin
For the treatment of osteosarcoma (after high dose methotrexate therapy). Used to diminish the toxicity and counteract the effects of impaired methotrexate elimination and of ...
Thuốc Gốc
2 methyl 3 3 7 11 15 tetramethyl 2 hexadecenyl 1 4 naphthalenedione, 2 methyl 3 2e 3 7 11 15 tetramethyl 2 hexadecenyl naphthoquinone, 2 methyl 3 phytyl 1 4 naphthochinon
For the treatment of haemorrhagic conditions in infants, antidote for coumarin anticoagulants in hypoprothrombinaemia.
Thuốc Gốc
pantothenic acid, d pantothenic acid, pantothenate
Studied for the treatment of many uses such as treatment of testicular torsion, diabetic ulceration, wound healing, acne, obesity, diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy. It has also ...
Thuốc Gốc
dehydroascorbate, l dehydroascorbate, l dehydroascorbic acid
There is no approved indication for dehydroascorbic acid, but it has potential therapeutic use in patients with certain viruses and ischemic stroke.
Thuốc Gốc
acetyl l carnitine, o acetyl l carnitine, o acetylcarnitine
Acetylcarnitine is not approved for any indication in the United states and Canada, but it is approved and indicated in Italy for cerebrovascular disorders, mental function ...
Biệt Dược
Cholecalciferol à một têm gọi khác của Vitamin D3. Vitamin D rất quan trọng cho sự hấp thu canxi từ dạ dày và cho hoạt ...
Dự phòng và điều trị thiếu vitamin D. Dự phòng và điều trị bệnh còi xương, co cứng vì thiếu canxi máu, ...
Medana Pharma Spolka Akcyjna - Poland
Biệt Dược
Dùng trong các trư­ờng hợp phòng ngừa và điều trị thiếu các Vitamin nhóm BTrường hợp nuôi dưỡng ...
Cty CP Dược vật tư Y tế Hải Dương - Việt Nam
Biệt Dược
- Viêm gan cấp hoặc mãn tính,rối loạn chức năng gan. - Bảo vệ tế bào gan trong hóa trị liệu,xạ trị thuốc điều trị...
Chunggei Pharm Co., Ltd. - Korea, South
Biệt Dược
Vinphaco - Vietnam
Biệt Dược
Bidiphar - Vietnam