Tìm theo
: 292 mục trong 15 trang
Thuốc Gốc
capryloate, caprylsaeure, enantic acid
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Thuốc Gốc
Thuốc Gốc
2 4 8 trimethylpsoralen, 4 5 8 trimethylpsoralen, 4 8 5 trimethylpsoralen
Trioxsalen is a pigmenting photosensitizing agent used in conjunction with ultraviolet light in the treatment of vitiligo.
Thuốc Gốc
allosamidine, naa 1 4 naa 1 4 ami
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Thuốc Gốc
2e 2 methylbut 2 enedioic acid, 2 methylfumarate, 2 methylfumaric acid
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Thuốc Gốc
Thuốc Gốc
Thuốc Gốc
2 3 butyramido 3 4 6 triiodophenylmethylene butyric acid, 3 3 butylamido 2 4 6 triiodphenyl 2 ethylacrylsaeure, bunamiodilo
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1 8 dihydroxy 9 10 anthracenedione, 1 8 dihydroxy 9 10 anthraquinone, 1 8 dihydroxyanthra 9 10 quinone
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1 3 dihydro 3 3 bis 4 hydroxyphenyl 2h indol 2 one, 3 3 bis 4 hydroxyphenyl oxindole, 3 3 bis 4 hydroxyphenyl oxindole
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aethylcarbamat, aethylurethan, carbamic acid ethyl ester
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2 3 dichloro 4 2 thenoyl phenoxy acetic acid, 2 3 dichloro 4 2 thienylcarbonyl phenoxy acetic acid, 2 3 dichloro 4 2 thiophenecarbonyl phenoxy acetic acid
For the treatment of hypertension.
Thuốc Gốc
7 deaza 7 thia 8 oxoguanosine, 7 thia 8 oxoguanosine, 7 tog
For the treatment of Hepatitis C.
Thuốc Gốc
Potential therapy for schizophrenia, depression and visceral pain.
Thuốc Gốc
hmr 3480
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Thuốc Gốc
methyl 12 methoxy 13 17 methoxy 17 oxovobasan 3alpha yl ibogamine 18 carboxylate, voacanginine, vocamine
For the treatment of malaria. Also under investigation for the modulation of multidrug resistance in cancer cells.