Tìm theo
: 5 mục trong 1 trang
Thuốc Gốc
2s 5r 6r 6 2r 2 amino 2 phenylacetyl amino 3 3 dimethyl 7 oxo 4 thia 1 azabicyclo 3 2 0 heptane 2 carboxylic acid, 2s 5r 6r 6 2r 2 amino 2 phenylethanoyl amino 3 3 dimethyl 7 oxo 4 thia 1 azabicyclo 3 2 0 heptane 2 carboxylic acid, 6 d 2 amino 2 phenylacetamido 3 3 dimethyl 7 oxo 4 thia 1 azabicyclo 3 2 0 heptane 2 carboxylic acid
For treatment of infection (Respiratory, GI, UTI and meningitis) due to E. coli, P. mirabilis, enterococci, Shigella, S. typhosa and other Salmonella, nonpenicillinase-producing N....
Thuốc Gốc
2s 5r 6r 6 2r 2 amino 2 4 hydroxyphenyl acetyl amino 3 3 dimethyl 7 oxo 4 thia 1 azabicyclo 3 2 0 heptane 2 carboxylic acid, 6 p hydroxy alpha aminophenylacetamido penicillanic acid, 6 p hydroxy aminophenylacetamido penicillanic acid
For the treatment of infections of the ear, nose, and throat, the genitourinary tract, the skin and skin structure, and the lower respiratory tract due to susceptible (only ...
Thuốc Gốc
1 ethoxycarbonyl oxy ethyl 2s 5r 6r 6 2r 2 amino 2 phenylacetyl amino 3 3 dimethyl 7 oxo 4 thia 1 azabicyclo 3 2 0 heptane 2 carboxylate, 1 ethoxycarbonyloxyethyl 6 d alpha aminophenylacetamido penicillanate, bacampicilina
For infections at the following sites: upper and lower respiratory tract; skin and soft tissue; urinary tract and acute uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis, when due to sensitive ...
Thuốc Gốc
ampicillin pivaloyloxymethyl ester, pivaloylampicillin, pivaloyloxymethyl ampicillinate
or the treatment of respiratory tract infections (including acute bronchitis, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia); ear, nose and throat infections; ...
Thuốc Gốc
Ampicilline tác dụng vào quá trình nhân lên của vi khuẩn, ức chế sự tổng hợp mucopeptid của màng tế bào vi khuẩn. PHỔ KHÁNG KHUẨN ▧ Các loài...
▧ Trong lâm sàng thường dùng ở các trường hợp sau : - Viêm màng não do trực khuẩn Gram âm. - Viêm đường dẫn mật. - Nhiễm khuẩn đường tiết...