Tìm theo
Các tên gọi khác (2) :
  • 1-Cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-8-methoxy-7-((4as,7as)-octahydro-6H-pyrrolo(3,4-b)pyridin-6-yl)-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid
  • Moxifloxacin
Thuốc trị ký sinh trùng, chống nhiễm khuẩn
Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
CAS: 354812-41-2
ATC: S01AE07, J01MA14
ĐG : Advanced Pharmaceutical Services Inc.
PTK: 401.4314
Moxifloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent. Bayer AG developed the drug (initially called BAY 12-8039) and it is marketed worldwide (as the hydrochloride) under the brand name Avelox (in some countries also Avalox) for oral treatment.
Nhận Dạng Quốc Tế & Đặc Tính Hóa Học
Công thức hóa học
Phân tử khối
Monoisotopic mass
InChI Key
7-[(4aS,7aS)-octahydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-yl]-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-8-methoxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Traditional IUPAC Name
Độ tan chảy
238-242 °C
Độ hòa tan
1.68e-01 g/l
pKa (strongest acidic)
pKa (Strongest Basic)
82.11 Å2
106.22 m3·mol-1
41.24 Å3
Rotatable Bond Count
H Bond Acceptor Count
H Bond Donor Count
Physiological Charge
Number of Rings
Rule of Five
Dược Lực Học : Moxifloxacin is a quinolone/fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Moxifloxacin can be used to treat infections caused by the following bacteria: Aerobic Gram-positive microorganisms: Corynebacterium species, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus warneri, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus viridans group. Aerobic Gram-negative microorganisms: Acinetobacter lwoffii, Haemophilus influenzae, and Haemophilus parainfluenzae. Other microorganisms: Chlamydia trachomatis.
Moxifloxacin is bactericidal and its mode of action depends on blocking of bacterial DNA replication by binding itself to an enzyme called DNA gyrase, which allows the untwisting required to replicate one DNA double helix into two. Notably the drug has 100 times higher affinity for bacterial DNA gyrase than for mammalian. Moxifloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Moxifloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent. Bayer AG developed the drug (initially called BAY 12-8039) and it is marketed worldwide (as the hydrochloride) under the brand name Avelox (in some countries also Avalox) for oral treatment. The bactericidal action of moxifloxacin results from inhibition of the enzymes topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and topoisomerase IV. DNA gyrase is an essential enzyme that is involved in the replication, transcription and repair of bacterial DNA. Topoisomerase IV is an enzyme known to play a key role in the partitioning of the chromosomal DNA during bacterial cell division.
Dược Động Học :
▧ Absorption :
Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Absolute oral bioavailability is approximately 90%. Food has little effect on absorption.
▧ Volume of Distribution :
* 1.7 to 2.7 L/kg
▧ Protein binding :
50% bound to serum proteins, independent of drug concentration.
▧ Metabolism :
Approximately 52% or oral or intravenous dose is metabolized via glucuronide and sulphate conjugation. The cytochrome P450 system is not involved in metabolism. The sulphate conjugate accounts for 38% of the dose, and the glucuronide conjugate accounts for 14% of the dose.
▧ Route of Elimination :
Approximately 45% of an oral or intravenous dose of moxifloxacin is excreted as unchanged drug (~20% in urine and ~25% in feces).
▧ Half Life :
11.5-15.6 hours (single dose, oral)
▧ Clearance :
* 12 +/- 2 L/hr
Độc Tính : Symptoms of overdose include CNS and gastrointestinal effects such as decreased activity, somnolence, tremor, convulsions, vomiting, and diarrhea. The minimal lethal intravenous dose in mice and rats is 100 mg/kg.
Chỉ Định : For the treatment of sinus and lung infections such as sinusitis, pneumonia, and secondary infections in chronic bronchitis. Also for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis (pinkeye).
Tương Tác Thuốc :
  • Acenocoumarol The quinolone antibiotic, moxifloxacin, may increase the anticoagulant effect of acenocoumarol.
  • Aluminium Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Amiodarone Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Anisindione The quinolone antibiotic, moxifloxacin, may increase the anticoagulant effect of anisindione.
  • Artemether Additive QTc-prolongation may occur. Concomitant therapy should be avoided.
  • Bepridil Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Bretylium Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Calcium Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Dicoumarol The quinolone antibiotic, moxifloxacin, may increase the anticoagulant effect of dicumarol.
  • Dihydroquinidine barbiturate Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Disopyramide Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Erythromycin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Iron Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Iron Dextran Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Josamycin Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Lumefantrine Additive QTc-prolongation may occur. Concomitant therapy should be avoided.
  • Magnesium Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Magnesium oxide Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Quinidine Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Quinidine barbiturate Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Quinupristin This combination presents an increased risk of toxicity
  • Sotalol Increased risk of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias
  • Sucralfate Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Tacrolimus Additive QTc-prolongation may occur increasing the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias. Concomitant therapy should be used with caution.
  • Thiothixene May cause additive QTc-prolonging effects. Increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Consider alternate therapy. Thorough risk:benefit assessment is required prior to co-administration.
  • Tizanidine Moxifloxacin may decrease the metabolism and clearance of Tizanidine. Consider alternate therapy or use caution during co-administration.
  • Toremifene Additive QTc-prolongation may occur, increasing the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias. Consider alternate therapy. A thorough risk:benefit assessment is required prior to co-administration.
  • Trimipramine Additive QTc-prolongation may occur, increasing the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias. Concomitant therapy should be used with caution.
  • Voriconazole Additive QTc prolongation may occur. Consider alternate therapy or monitor for QTc prolongation as this can lead to Torsade de Pointes (TdP).
  • Vorinostat Additive QTc prolongation may occur. Consider alternate therapy or monitor for QTc prolongation as this can lead to Torsade de Pointes (TdP).
  • Warfarin The quinolone antibiotic, moxifloxacin, may increase the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
  • Zinc Formation of non-absorbable complexes
  • Ziprasidone Additive QTc-prolonging effects may increase the risk of severe arrhythmias. Concomitant therapy is contraindicated.
  • Zuclopenthixol Additive QTc prolongation may occur. Consider alternate therapy or use caution and monitor for QTc prolongation as this can lead to Torsade de Pointes (TdP).
Liều Lượng & Cách Dùng : Solution - Intravenous
Solution - Ophthalmic
Tablet - Oral
Dữ Kiện Thương Mại
Giá thị trường
Nhà Sản Xuất
  • Công ty :
    Sản phẩm biệt dược : Avelox
  • Công ty :
    Sản phẩm biệt dược : MOXEZA
  • Công ty :
    Sản phẩm biệt dược : Vigamox
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