Tìm theo
: 4 mục trong 1 trang
Thuốc Gốc
anticoagulant protein c, autoprothrombin iia, blood coagulation factor xiv
For reduction of mortality in patients with severe sepsis.
Thuốc Gốc
2 methyl 1 4 naphthalenedione, 2 methyl 1 4 naphthochinon, 2 methyl 1 4 naphthoquinone
The primary known function of vitamin K is to assist in the normal clotting of blood, but it may also play a role in normal bone calcification.
Thuốc Gốc
2 methyl 3 3 7 11 15 tetramethyl 2 hexadecenyl 1 4 naphthalenedione, 2 methyl 3 2e 3 7 11 15 tetramethyl 2 hexadecenyl naphthoquinone, 2 methyl 3 phytyl 1 4 naphthochinon
For the treatment of haemorrhagic conditions in infants, antidote for coumarin anticoagulants in hypoprothrombinaemia.
Thuốc Gốc
Bình thường,vi khuẩn ruột tổng hợp đủ vitamin K. Trường hợp thiếu vitamin K vừa phải do hấp thu kém, tắc mật, hoặc do dùng thuốc kháng sinh, ...
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