Tìm theo
: 2 mục trong 1 trang
Thuốc Gốc
flunitrazepamum, rohypnol
For short-term treatment of severe insomnias, that are not responsive to other hypnotics.
Thuốc Gốc
1 3 dihydro 7 nitro 5 phenyl 2h 1 4 benzodiazepin 2 one, 2 3 dihydro 7 nitro 5 phenyl 1h 1 4 benzodiazepin 2 one, 7 nitro 1 3 dihydro 5 phenyl 2h 1 4 benzodiazepin 2 one
Used to treat short-term sleeping problems (insomnia), such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, and early-morning awakening.