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: 71 mục trong 4 trang
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Thuốc Gốc
Thuốc Gốc
Thuốc Gốc
2 2 dimethylamino ethyl 2 thenylamino pyridine, methypyrilene, n n dimethyl n pyrid 2 yl n 2 thenylethylenediamine
Thuốc Gốc
mepyramine, n p methoxybenzyl n n dimethyl n alpha pyridyl ethylenediamine, n 4 methoxyphenyl methyl n n dimethyl n 2 pyridinyl 1 2 ethanediamine
Mepyramine is a first generation antihistamine used in treating allergies, ymptomatic relief of hypersensitivity reaction, and in pruritic skin disorders.