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: 2 mục trong 1 trang
Thuốc Gốc
3 benzyl 3 4 dihydro 6 trifluoromethyl 2h 1 2 4 benzothiadiazine 7 sulfonamide 1 1 dioxide, 6 trifluoromethyl 3 benzyl 7 sulfamyl 3 4 dihydro 1 2 4 benzothiadiazine 1 1 dioxide, bendrofluazide
For the treatment of high blood pressure and management of edema related to heart failure.
Thuốc Gốc
dihydroflumethazide, hidroflumetiazid, hidroflumetiazida
Used as adjunctive therapy in edema associated with congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. Also used in the management of ...