Tìm theo
Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
XL647 is a potent inhibitor of multiple RTKs implicated in driving tumor cell proliferation and tumor vascularization (blood vessel formation). XL647 inhibits the EGF, HER2, and VEGF RTKs, each of which is a target of currently approved cancer therapies. In addition, XL647 inhibits EphB4, an RTK that is highly expressed in many human tumors and plays a role in promoting angiogenesis. In a broad array of preclinical tumor models including breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer, XL647 demonstrated potent inhibition of tumor growth and causes tumor regression. In cell culture models, XL647 retains significant potency against mutant EGFRs that are resistant to current EGFR inhibitors.
Dược Lực Học : XL647 inhibits the EGF, HER2, and VEGF RTKs, each of which is a target of currently approved cancer therapies. In addition, XL647 inhibits EphB4, an RTK that is highly expressed in many human tumors and plays a role in promoting angiogenesis. In a broad array of preclinical tumor models including breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer, XL647 demonstrated potent inhibition of tumor growth and caused tumor regression. In cell culture models, XL647 retained significant potency against mutant EGFRs that cause resistance to current EGFR inhibitors.
Dược Động Học :

▧ Half Life :
50-70 hours
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified), lung cancer, and solid tumors.
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