Tìm theo
Các tên gọi khác (1) :
  • Ig gamma-1 chain C region
Thuốc Gốc
CAS: 192391-48-3
ATC: V10XA53
ĐG : GlaxoSmithKline Inc. , http://www.gsk.com
CTHH: C6416H9874N1688O1987S44
PTK: 143859.7000
Murine IgG2a lambda monoclonal antibody against CD20 antigen (2 heavy chains of 451 residues, 2 lambda chains of 220 residues). It is produced in an antibiotic-free culture of mammalian cells. It can be covalently linked to Iodine 131 (a radioactive isotope of iodine).
Nhận Dạng Quốc Tế & Đặc Tính Hóa Học
Công thức hóa học
Phân tử khối
Độ tan chảy
61 °C (FAB fragment), 71 °C (whole mAb)
Độ kỵ nước
Điểm đẳng điện tích
Dược Lực Học : Tositumomab binds to the CD20 antigen, which is predominantly expressed on mature B cells and on >90% of B-cell non-Hodgkin's lympohomas. The antibody leads to selective killing of B-cells.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Murine IgG2a lambda monoclonal antibody against CD20 antigen (2 heavy chains of 451 residues, 2 lambda chains of 220 residues). It is produced in an antibiotic-free culture of mammalian cells. It can be covalently linked to Iodine 131 (a radioactive isotope of iodine). Binds to the CD20 antigen which is found on mature B lymphocytes. The antibody binding appears to induce apoptosis, complement-dependent cytotoxicity and cell death through ionizing radiation.
Dược Động Học :

▧ Metabolism :
Most likely removed by opsonization via the reticuloendothelial system when bound to B lymphocytes, or by human antimurine antibody production
▧ Route of Elimination :
Elimination of Iodine-131 occurs by decay and excretion in the urine.
▧ Half Life :
0.8 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro)
▧ Clearance :
* 68.2 mg/hr [patients with NHL]
Chỉ Định : For treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (CD20 positive, follicular)
Tương Tác Thuốc :
  • Natalizumab The immunosuppressant, Tositumomab, may increase the adverse effects of Natalizumab. Increased risk of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) and other infections. Concurrent therapy should be avoided.
  • Trastuzumab Trastuzumab may increase the risk of neutropenia and anemia. Monitor closely for signs and symptoms of adverse events.
Liều Lượng & Cách Dùng : Kit - Intravenous
Dữ Kiện Thương Mại
Giá thị trường
Nhà Sản Xuất
  • Công ty : Corixa Corp
    Sản phẩm biệt dược : Bexxar
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