Dược Động Học :
▧ Absorption :
Following intravaginal administration of terconazole in humans, absorption ranged from 5-8% in three hysterectomized subjects and 12-16% in two non-hysterectomized subjects with tubal ligations
▧ Protein binding :
▧ Metabolism :
Systemically absorbed drug appears to be rapidly and extensively metabolized. Terconazole primarily undergoes oxidatative N- and O-dealkylation, dioxolane ring cleavage, and conjugation.
▧ Route of Elimination :
Following oral (30 mg) administration of 14C-labelled terconazole, excretion of radioactivity was both by renal (32-56%) and fecal (47-52%) routes.
▧ Half Life :
6.9 hours (range 4.0-11.3)