Tìm theo
substance P
Thuốc Gốc
CTHH: C63H98N18O13S
PTK: 1347.6300
Homspera is a generic name used by the Company to describe the synthetic peptide Sar9, Met (O2)11-Substance P. Sar9, Met (O2)11-Substance P is an analog of the naturally occurring human neuropeptide Substance P, which can be found throughout the body, including in the airways of humans and many other species. All of the Company's research and development efforts are in early, pre-clinical stages and Homspera, also known as Viprovex and Radilex, has only undergone exploratory studies to evaluate its biological activity in small animals.
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Phân tử khối
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Homspera is a generic name used by the Company to describe the synthetic peptide Sar9, Met (O2)11-Substance P. Sar9, Met (O2)11-Substance P is an analog of the naturally occurring human neuropeptide Substance P, which can be found throughout the body, including in the airways of humans and many other species. All of the Company's research and development efforts are in early, pre-clinical stages and Homspera, also known as Viprovex and Radilex, has only undergone exploratory studies to evaluate its biological activity in small animals. The endogenous receptor for Substance P is neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1-receptor, NK1R). It belongs to the tachykinin receptor sub-family of GPCRs. Substance P has been shown to stimulate cellular growth in cell culture [2], and it was shown that Substance P could promote wound healing of non-healing ulcers in humans. [3] It has also been shown to reverse diabetes in mice.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and viral infection.
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