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Thuốc Gốc
CTHH: C92H148O46
PTK: 1990.1319
QS-21 is an investigational adjuvant, which is a substance added to vaccines and other immunotherapies that is designed to enhance the body’s immune response to the antigen contained within the treatment. It is the leading member of the Stimulon family of adjuvants. As a vaccine additive, it is currently being evaluated in clinical trials in a variety of disease areas by Antigenics.
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Phân tử khối
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : QS-21 is an investigational adjuvant, which is a substance added to vaccines and other immunotherapies that is designed to enhance the body’s immune response to the antigen contained within the treatment. It is the leading member of the Stimulon family of adjuvants. As a vaccine additive, it is currently being evaluated in clinical trials in a variety of disease areas by Antigenics. QS-21 has the potential ability to increase total vaccine-specific antibody response and T-cell response. In addition, QS-21 appears to increase potency of the vaccine with relatively small quantities of antigen and to exhibit synergy with other adjuvants. Because of the ability of QS-21 to improve the body’s immune response to very low doses of antigen, vaccine antigen may be ‘spared,’ which could significantly decrease the amount of antigen required for a given dose and make vaccine production more economical.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in genital herpes, HIV infection, hepatitis (viral, B), influenza, malaria, melanoma, and viral infection.
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