Tìm theo
omega interferon
Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
Human interferon omega 1 (IFN-omega 1 = IFN-alpha II1) is a recently discovered protein structurally related to IFN-alpha and -beta. It occurs naturally in the human body and is currently being manufactured by Intarcia through genetic engineering. There are multiple routes for administration of omega interferon: injection, an implantable subcutaneous drug delivery system, and an oral formulation. It has been investigated both in single and combination treatment. The biological activities of IFN-omega 1 and its physiological role are not known to date.
Dược Lực Học : Human interferon omega 1 (IFN-omega 1 = IFN-alpha II1) is a recently discovered protein structurally related to IFN-alpha and -beta. It occurs naturally in the human body and is currently being manufactured by Intarcia through genetic engineering. The biological activities of IFN-omega 1 and its physiological role are not known to date.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Human interferon omega 1 (IFN-omega 1 = IFN-alpha II1) is a recently discovered protein structurally related to IFN-alpha and -beta. It occurs naturally in the human body and is currently being manufactured by Intarcia through genetic engineering. There are multiple routes for administration of omega interferon: injection, an implantable subcutaneous drug delivery system, and an oral formulation. It has been investigated both in single and combination treatment. The biological activities of IFN-omega 1 and its physiological role are not known to date. Independent studies demonstrate that interferon omega binds to the alpha/beta receptor, but not the interferon gamma receptor.
Độc Tính : Clinical trial results suggested a favorable overall safety profile for interferon omega.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in hepatitis (viral, C).
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