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Neocartilage, a novel cartilage regeneration treatment. Neocartilage is generated from juvenile rather than adult chondrocytes. Neocartilage is the only scaffold-free living cartilage graft on the market.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Neocartilage, a novel cartilage regeneration treatment. Neocartilage is generated from juvenile rather than adult chondrocytes. Neocartilage is the only scaffold-free living cartilage graft on the market. NeoCart is a novel autogenous neocartilage implant grown using the patient's own cartilage cells seeded onto a collagen matrix. A patented, high-pressure tissue engineering processor is said to produce more natural neocartilage than other techniques. In addition, the NeoCart system includes a novel bioadhesive which makes implantation quick and easy.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in pain (acute or chronic).
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