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Thuốc Gốc
M40403 is a low molecular weight, synthetic manganese containing superoxide dismutase mimetic (SODm) that selectively removes superoxide anion.
Dược Lực Học : M40403 treatment exerts a protective effect against ischaemia-reperfusion-induced myocardial injury, supporting a key role for superoxide anion in reperfusion injuries.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : M40403 is a low molecular weight, synthetic manganese containing superoxide dismutase mimetic (SODm) that selectively removes superoxide anion. M40403 is the lead candidate in a unique class of compounds known as superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetics. These stable, low molecular weight compounds mimic the effect of superoxide dismutase, a naturally occurring enzyme designed to destroy superoxide free radicals present in various diseases associated with pain and inflammation.
Chỉ Định : Intended for the treatment of pain and possibly various forms of cancer.
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