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Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
IT-101 is a conjugate of Insert's proprietary drug delivery molecule, Cyclosert, and the potent anti-cancer compound camptothecin.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : IT-101 is a conjugate of Insert's proprietary drug delivery molecule, Cyclosert, and the potent anti-cancer compound camptothecin. IT-101 is a combination of its patented polymer technology, Cyclosert(TM), and the anti-cancer compound camptothecin. Insert's proprietary Cyclosert delivery system is based on small cyclic repeating molecules of glucose called cyclodextrins. Using modified cyclodextrins as building blocks, Insert has developed an entirely new proprietary class of materials called linear cyclodextrin-containing polymers. To the company's knowledge, Cyclosert is the first nanoparticulate drug delivery platform to be designed de novo and synthesized specifically to overcome limitations in existing delivery technologies used for the systemic delivery of therapeutics.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in cancer/tumors (unspecified) and solid tumors.
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