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Thuốc Gốc
IDM-4 is an immuno-designed molecule that completed phase I/II of investigation for the treatment of Leukemia. It is a monoclonal antibody-specific antigen that can selectively target cancer-affected cells by coupling with tumor cell-killing MAK cells, which are derived from the patient's own monocytes. Trials of this drug have most likely been discontinued by the manufacturer.
Dược Lực Học : This monoclonal antibody-specific antigen selectively targets cancer-affected cells by coupling with tumor cell-killing MAK cells, which are derived from the patient's own monocytes.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : IDM-4 is an immuno-designed molecule that completed phase I/II of investigation for the treatment of Leukemia. It is a monoclonal antibody-specific antigen that can selectively target cancer-affected cells by coupling with tumor cell-killing MAK cells, which are derived from the patient's own monocytes. Trials of this drug have most likely been discontinued by the manufacturer. The lipid promotes fusion of liposomes to cells. Specifically, IDM-4 targets tumor cells by coupling MAK cells with tumor antigens obtained from the patient.
Độc Tính : Toxicity is reported to be low for various Monoclonal antibodies.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in leukemia (lymphoid).
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