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Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
HZT-501 is under investigation by Horizon Therapeutics, Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company. It has entered Phase 3 clinical trials in March 2007 for reduction of the risk of development of ibuprofen-associated upper gastrointestinal (i.e., gastric and/or duodenal) ulcers. HZT-501 is a combination product including ibuprofen and the acid reducing agent famotidine.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : HZT-501 is under investigation by Horizon Therapeutics, Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company. It has entered Phase 3 clinical trials in March 2007 for reduction of the risk of development of ibuprofen-associated upper gastrointestinal (i.e., gastric and/or duodenal) ulcers. HZT-501 is a combination product including ibuprofen and the acid reducing agent famotidine. HZT-501 is a proprietary formulation of ibuprofen, the most prescribed NSAID in the United States, combined with famotidine, the most potent H2 receptor antagonist, in a single pill. HZT-501 is specifically designed to provide pain relief while reducing stomach acidity during the peak time of risk for gastric ulceration.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in pain (acute or chronic).
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