Tìm theo
Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
GRN163L is a novel anti-cancer drug. It has been characterized preclinically and shown to inhibit telomerase in human tumor cells of many cancer types (including lung, breast, prostate, liver, and early stage of human breast cancer), in both cell culture systems and animal models. Study of this drug shows the its potential utility in the treatment of patients with hematologic and solid tumor malignancies.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : GRN163L is a novel anti-cancer drug. It has been characterized preclinically and shown to inhibit telomerase in human tumor cells of many cancer types (including lung, breast, prostate, liver, and early stage of human breast cancer), in both cell culture systems and animal models. Study of this drug shows the its potential utility in the treatment of patients with hematologic and solid tumor malignancies. GRN163L has been characterized preclinically and shown to inhibit telomerase in human tumor cells of many cancer types. It targets the template region, or active site, of telomerase. GRN163L does not exhibit antisense activity (binding to messenger RNA), but rather directly bind to the RNA component of telomerase at the active site of the enzyme, thereby acting like a conventional pharmaceutical drug. Inhibiting telomerase activity should result in telomere shortening and therefore cause aging and death of cancer cells.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in leukemia (lymphoid) and solid tumors.
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