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G207 is cancer-killing viruses, so-called oncolytic viruses, for the treatment of various forms of cancer developed by MediGene AG. These viruses are specific herpes simplex viruses, or HSVs, generally known as the cause of cold sores. MediGene uses these viruses, however, in a modified and "disarmed" form in order to make them utilizable as a therapeutic agent in humans.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : G207 is cancer-killing viruses, so-called oncolytic viruses, for the treatment of various forms of cancer developed by MediGene AG. These viruses are specific herpes simplex viruses, or HSVs, generally known as the cause of cold sores. MediGene uses these viruses, however, in a modified and "disarmed" form in order to make them utilizable as a therapeutic agent in humans. G207, Cancer killing viruses are modified to make them utilizable as a therapeutic agent in human by switching off certain genes that normally enable the virus to multiply in healthy cells, which would destroy these cells. As a result of this genetic modification, the HSVs are able to reproduce in tumor cells solely, since only this offer an environment that compensates for the loss of the removed viral genes. Consequently, the virus is able to replicate in the tumor cells, selectively destroying them without harming healthy tissue.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in brain cancer.
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