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  • Sitimagene ceradenovec
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Cerepro is a novel gene-based product for the treatment of patients with operable high grade glioma, a type of malignant brain tumour, given in addition to standard surgery and radiotherapy/chemotherapy. It is being developed by Ark Therapeutics.
Dược Lực Học : EG009 is comprised of a gene encased in a virus vector. Vectors transfer their gene payload into target cells, a process known as transfection, which use this new genetic material as a blueprint for the production of new beneficial proteins. EG009 uses a well-established adenoviral vector (Ad5) to introduce the gene that causes cells to express a protein called thymidine kinase (TK). Following the standard surgery to remove the solid tumour mass, EG009 is injected through the wall of the cavity left behind by the surgical removal of the solid tumour, into the surrounding healthy brain tissue. In the following days, the healthy cells in the wall of the cavity express TK. Five days after surgery, the drug ganciclovir (GCV) is given to the patient as part of the overall EG009 treatment regimen. Neither TK nor GCV is individually active but they react together to produce a substance which destroys cells when they try to divide. Since cell division is a key characteristic of cancer and the normal brain cells are not dividing, cells that try to divide to form a new tumour around the site of the removal of the original tumour are targeted for destruction by the EG009 treatment. EG009 thus works by harnessing healthy cells to produce the substances necessary to destroy newly growing cancer cells.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Cerepro is a novel gene-based product for the treatment of patients with operable high grade glioma, a type of malignant brain tumour, given in addition to standard surgery and radiotherapy/chemotherapy. It is being developed by Ark Therapeutics. EG009 works by delivering a gene into the healthy brain cells remaining after the tumour has been removed. These then produce an enzyme that kills the cells trying to divide, preventing a recurrence of a tumour.
Chỉ Định : Intended for the treatment of brain cancer.
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