Cơ Chế Tác Dụng :
Duramycin, a peptide antibiotic, is in clinical development for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. Duramycin is a 19-amino-acid tetracyclic peptide produced by Streptoverticillium cinnamoneus and is closely related to cinnamycin (Ro09-0198). It belongs to the lantibiotics. Lantibiotics are bacteriocins that are characterized by the presence of a high proportion of unusual amino acids.
Duramycin becomes deposited in cellular membranes where it binds to phosphatidylethanolamine. It may thereby change biophysical membrane properties and perturb ion channel function.
Duramycin stimulates secretion of electrically charged atoms (ions) of chloride from epithelial cells in the lungs. Increased chloride secretion is accompanied by obligatory increase in water secretion from same cells. This may prevent the thickening of lung secretions and prevent further mucus build up and its progressive contribution to lung tissue damage.
Chỉ Định :
Investigated for use/treatment in cystic fibrosis and eye disorders/infections.