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Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
CYC116 is a novel anticancer compound with a unique target profile involving both cell cycle and angiogenesis inhibition mechanisms. In preclinical studies, CYC116 has demonstrated antitumor activity in both solid tumors and hematological cancers. Cyclacel's small molecule investigational drug, CYC116, is the third orally-available Cyclacel drug to enter development, which demonstrated anticancer activity with a mechanism consistent with inhibition of Aurora kinase.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : CYC116 is a novel anticancer compound with a unique target profile involving both cell cycle and angiogenesis inhibition mechanisms. In preclinical studies, CYC116 has demonstrated antitumor activity in both solid tumors and hematological cancers. Cyclacel's small molecule investigational drug, CYC116, is the third orally-available Cyclacel drug to enter development, which demonstrated anticancer activity with a mechanism consistent with inhibition of Aurora kinase. Aurora kinases are enzymes that help dividing cells share their materials between two daughter cells. In many people with cancer Aurora kinase malfunctions and normal control of cell division is lost resulting in abnormal growth. CYC116 inhibits Aurora kinase may slow down the growth of cancer cells and lead to their death by apoptosis.
Dược Động Học :

▧ Protein binding :
CYC116, an orally-available inhibitor of Aurora kinases A and B, and VEGFR2, in patients with advanced solid tumors.
Chỉ Định : Advanced solid tumors
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