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AVR118 represents a new type of biopolymer chemistry that also possesses novel immunomodulator activity. This non-toxic peptide-nucleic acid, which to date has shown no indication of human toxicity, appears to stimulate the proinflammatory responses required to combat viral infections such as AIDS and human papilloma virus and to dampen aberrant autoimmune-type inflammatory responses. AVR118 is being studied for the promise shown in its ability to mitigate the toxic side effects of other drugs (including those used to treat HIV infection and chemotherapeutic drugs employed in the treatment of cancers); for its ability to stimulate the immune system to attack tumor cells (especially those cancer cells that have been damaged by chemotherapeutic agents) and for its ability to treat cachexia (wasting) in patients with AIDS or cancer.
Dược Lực Học : AVR118 is a peptide-nucleic acid immunomodulator with proinflammatory, broad-spectrum antiviral, and potential antineoplastic activities.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : AVR118 represents a new type of biopolymer chemistry that also possesses novel immunomodulator activity. This non-toxic peptide-nucleic acid, which to date has shown no indication of human toxicity, appears to stimulate the proinflammatory responses required to combat viral infections such as AIDS and human papilloma virus and to dampen aberrant autoimmune-type inflammatory responses. AVR118 is being studied for the promise shown in its ability to mitigate the toxic side effects of other drugs (including those used to treat HIV infection and chemotherapeutic drugs employed in the treatment of cancers); for its ability to stimulate the immune system to attack tumor cells (especially those cancer cells that have been damaged by chemotherapeutic agents) and for its ability to treat cachexia (wasting) in patients with AIDS or cancer. AVR118 stimulates the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) production of the proinflammatory cytokines IFN-y, IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-a. This agent may reduce HIV-1 p24 antigen; viral reverse transcriptase activity; syncitial cell formation; and viral mRNA in infected PBMCs and human CD4+ lymphocyte H9 cells, and may decrease viral loads and increase CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts in HIV patients. In vitro, AVR118 has been shown to induce the maturation of HL60 leukemic cells and to inhibit the invasive and metastatic properties of a highly malignant breast cancer cell line.
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