Tìm theo
autologousadipose stem cell therapy
Thuốc Gốc
Cellerix has developed an autologous adipose stem cell therapy for the treatment of fistulas. This drug has shown safety and preliminary efficacy in phase I studies. However autologous adipose stem cell therapy autologous is also a promising therapeutic approach to overcome the current disadvantages of corneal transplantation.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Cellerix has developed an autologous adipose stem cell therapy for the treatment of fistulas. This drug has shown safety and preliminary efficacy in phase I studies. However autologous adipose stem cell therapy autologous is also a promising therapeutic approach to overcome the current disadvantages of corneal transplantation. Adipose, also known as fat tissue, is the richest and most accessible known source of stem cells. It contains a specialized class of stem cells comprised of multiple cell types that promote healing and repair. Adipose stem cells have been shown to differentiate into multiple cell types including muscle cells (heart, smooth and skeletal), bone, fat, cartilage, and nerve. Patients receive their own cells (autologous-use) so there is no risk of immune rejection or transmission. Beyond differentiation, regenerative cells may provide therapeutic benefit through the release of growth factors and other therapeutic healing mechanisms.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in wounds.
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