Tìm theo
autologous fibroblast transplant
Thuốc Gốc
Autologous fibroblast transplant is an innovative cellular processing system which creates a natural, living cell therapy. By multiplying a patient’s own collagen-producing cells or fibroblasts into tens of millions of new cells, a personalized treatment is created which is then returned to the patient’s skin. This treatment, known as the Isolagen Therapy™, is designed to improve skin damage caused by the normal effects of aging, sun damage, acne and burns.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : Autologous fibroblast transplant is an innovative cellular processing system which creates a natural, living cell therapy. By multiplying a patient’s own collagen-producing cells or fibroblasts into tens of millions of new cells, a personalized treatment is created which is then returned to the patient’s skin. This treatment, known as the Isolagen Therapy™, is designed to improve skin damage caused by the normal effects of aging, sun damage, acne and burns. Autologous fibroblast transplant is the process whereby a patient's own cells are extracted, allowed to multiply and then injected into the patient. Isolagen's product candidates are designed to be minimally invasive and nonsurgical.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in skin infections/disorders.
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    Sản phẩm biệt dược : Isolagen Process
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