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Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
AS1409 is a genetically engineered fusion protein made up of two distinct components. One is the cytokine IL12, which has anti-cancer activity. The other is an antibody that targets tumours. It is developed by Antisoma is in a phase I of clinical trial for the treatment of renal cancer and melanoma.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : AS1409 is a genetically engineered fusion protein made up of two distinct components. One is the cytokine IL12, which has anti-cancer activity. The other is an antibody that targets tumours. It is developed by Antisoma is in a phase I of clinical trial for the treatment of renal cancer and melanoma. AS1409 is a fusion protein with two components. One is the cytokine IL12, which is known to have anti-cancer effects. The other is an antibody that binds to EDB fibronectin, a protein associated with tumour blood vessels in a wide range of cancers. AS1409 is designed to be a targeted therapy that delivers IL12 specifically to tumours. Xenograft studies in mice with prostate, colorectal and skin cancers have shown that AS1409 blocks cancer growth more effectively than an equivalent dose of untargeted IL12. AS1409 is also expected to cause fewer side effects than IL12 alone.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in kidney cancer and melanoma.
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