Tìm theo
Thuốc Gốc
Small Molecule
ABT-263 is an orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of Bcl-2 family proteins. It is a substance being studied in the treatment of lymphomas and other types of cancer. It blocks some of the enzymes that keep cancer cells from dying.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : ABT-263 is an orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of Bcl-2 family proteins. It is a substance being studied in the treatment of lymphomas and other types of cancer. It blocks some of the enzymes that keep cancer cells from dying. ABT-263 targets the Bcl-2 family of proteins, the major negative regulators of apoptosis. The Bcl-2 proteins, including Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w, work by binding to two other groups of proteins-the executioners (Bax, Bak) that actually start the destruction pathway, and the sentinel proteins. Cancer cells frequently overexpress the Bcl-2-like proteins, and thus, when they sustain DNA damage-from radiation, for example-they continue growing. Preventing the Bcl-2-like proteins from binding to the executioners might be able to trigger cell death in the tumor.
Dược Động Học :

▧ Half Life :
14-25 hours
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in lung cancer and lymphoma (unspecified).
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