Tìm theo
99mTc-14 F7 Mab
Thuốc Gốc
99mTc 14F7 Mab has strong anti tumor activity against myeloma cells in vivo. Growth inhibition and prolonged survival of the myeloma tumor were obtained as evidences of anti tumor effect after treatment with 99mTc 14F7 Mab.
Cơ Chế Tác Dụng : 99mTc 14F7 Mab has strong anti tumor activity against myeloma cells in vivo. Growth inhibition and prolonged survival of the myeloma tumor were obtained as evidences of anti tumor effect after treatment with 99mTc 14F7 Mab. The 99mTc 14F7 Mab has shown to bind specifically to GM3 (NeuGc) and that it also reacts with human breast and melanoma tumors in contrast with its low reactivity in normal tissues. N-Glycolyl GM3 is considered a heterophilic antigen since is not present in all species, humans are normally lacking them. The discovery of the presence of this molecule in significant amounts in breast tumors allowed considering it as an advantageous target for cancer immunotherapy.
Chỉ Định : Investigated for use/treatment in breast cancer.
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